We’ll organize and operate your campaign in a way that’s proven to work and serve churches best. Plus, we’ll drive and direct every aspect of the effort from start to finish, leaving less work and raising more money for you.
Church Campaign Services

Fundraising Feasibility & Planning Studies
Prior to starting a capital campaign, many churches hire us to conduct a fundraising planning study for them. This involves organizing an effort to inform all or key members of your church about your proposed project plans and inviting their feedback about the project, its main components, and other things that will affect the church campaigns’ success. It’s a smart first step that doesn’t require a lot of time or expense. Yet, a well-done study will:
- Tell you what people want, are willing to support and to what extent;
- Help identify key leaders and donors and give you clues about how to best motivate them and others to get more involved and give more;
- Bring to the forefront people’s key questions and concerns if any exist.
In short, a fundraising planning study will provide a blueprint for how to best package, promote, and proceed with a campaign that will best meet your needs.
Success Stories from Feasibility & Planning Studies
These successful church capital campaigns met success due, in part, to their feasibility studies. Walsh & Associates was able to make informed, expert recommendations for their campaigns based on the material gathered from their study efforts.

Capital Campaign Direction
We can also organize and implement your campaign. With our approach, we’ll serve as your campaign staff, as “drivers” rather than merely “advisors”, handling most of the day-to-day details and tasks associated with the capital campaign effort for you. During this time, our services include:
- Developing campaign organization and orientation materials that provides a step-by-step plan for the campaign and all involved in it.
- Designing and ordering needed printed and promotional materials that will reflect positively on your campaign and church.
- Coordinating communications and cultivation activities and events that will inform and inspire people.
- Organizing volunteer enlistment and training so no one has to do too much for too long and everyone is well versed on how to do their jobs. This will make everyone’s job easier and more enjoyable; help them to be more confident, competent, comfortable and successful; and entice more people to get involved.
- Overseeing the gathering of gifts in the most successful ways possible.
- Setting up a simple yet comprehensive fulfillment and follow-up system so that promises made are paid, ensuring that you reach your potential.
In short, we’ll drive and direct the entire process from start to finish, leaving less work and raising more money for you!
Success Stories from Church Capital Campaign Direction
See all the church capital campaign success stories from faith communities who used the services of Walsh & Associates for their church capital campaigns.