Walsh Wisdom
Over 30 Years Leading Church Capital Campaigns
Walsh Wisdom
Over 30 Years Leading Church Capital Campaigns
Walsh Wisdom
Expert advice learned from over 30 years of experience leading Church Capital Campaigns.
We know what is critically important to getting the best results possible in your campaign.
Church Capital Campaign Basics
I’m often asked by friends, family members, and churches about capital campaigns - what are they, what do they typically raise funds for, what are the benefits of conducting church capital campaigns, how do they fit with a church’s ongoing fundraising and stewardship...
We’ll Help You Develop Your Church Strategy
Walsh & Associates, Church Capital Campaign Specialists is your go-to source when you’re looking for help with a capital campaign.
We have worked with Christian churches of just about every denomination, and in almost every state.
Give us a call at 800-894-3863. to get started.