Michael A. Walsh, Founder

Michael A. Walsh, Founder, started Walsh & Associates in 1984 after serving two different parochial schools as their Development Director where he was tasked with overseeing their various fundraising efforts. He led his first church capital campaign in 1989 and shortly after that, in 1991, shifted the firm’s focus to working exclusively with churches to help them with their capital campaigns. And so, “Church Capital Campaign Specialists” was added to the Walsh & Associates name.

Since this “rebirth” of sorts, Walsh & Associates has assisted almost 500 churches with their capital campaigns and Mr. Walsh has personally developed the “service success system” used by all our clients and consultants today. It includes our comprehensive, step-by-step guide to conducting church capital campaigns, our “WalshWare™ Campaign Management Software” which is a highly-valued and vital tool for managing capital campaigns, a series of volunteer training videos, our “Guidelines for Gift Gathering” guide to successfully soliciting gifts, and all other materials used in our capital campaign services. He’s the author of the comprehensive, step-by-step guide to conducting church capital campaigns titled, “How to Conduct Church Capital Campaigns the Right Way” and a multitude of other materials used in our church capital campaigns.

Michael and his wife Julie live in Apple Valley, Minnesota and are members of St. John Neumann Church in Eagan, Minnesota. They have two grown children.
